
The Name

What's a Zagłoba?

Jan Onufry Zagłoba is a fictional character appearing in several novels of one of Poland's most internationally famous authors, Henryk Sienkiewicz. Jan Zagłoba is first introduced as man living a meaningless life of a lesser noble, trying to survive by exploiting the good faith of others. However, after meeting another character in The Trilogy, Jan Skrzetuski, he becomes drawn into the company of hero-like personas and slowly grows to become worthy of their trust and friendship.


Zagłoba eventually becomes a widely known and respected person and is seen as a symbol of undying optimism and hope. He is regarded as being one of Sienkiewicz's most significant characters and continues to have an enduring influence on Polish culture to this day. To us however, it is his iconic transformation as well as his characteristically cheerful disposition which make him the embodyment of what we strive to offer as an organization.

The Organization

Who are we?

Officially established in 2002, Zagłoba Polish Club has been a cultural and professional organization dedicated to strengthing the bonds between Polish students at the University of Illinois and the greater Polish communities in the United States and abroad. Over the years however, our reach has spread well beyond the native Polish community at the University of Illinois and now encompasses a wide array of students who are either interested in Polish culture, language, or just other club members 😉.

What do we do?

We organize various annual events that allow members to either learn something new about Polish culture and/or give students the opportunity to build a professional network with other Poles. In the past year we have also opened up the decision-making process to the entire club, through our subcommitte initiative. This allows all members to contribute to the growth of the club as well as give students opportunities to add to their resumes.

The Bylaws

Article I. Name

The official name of the club shall be Polish Club Zagloba.

Article II. Authority

Polish Club Zagloba is a registered student organization at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.

Article III. Purpose

Polish Club Zagloba is a cultural organization geared towards students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who are native Polish speakers, individuals of polish heritage, and those interested in learning Polish. Polish Club Zagloba sponsors various social events including barndances, semi-formals, polish folk-dancing, coffee hours, and other social and philanthropic events.

Article IV. Membership

Membership is open to any student of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with n discrimination against race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, color, disability, their course of study, or any affiliation with any other registered student organization.

The club due is $30 each academic year beginning in the fall semester. Students who do not pay dues are ineligible for an executive position in the club in the following year.

Article V. Organizational Structure

Section 1: Officers

President (1 person):

Responsible for organizing and running club meetings. A current officer or a three year active member is allowed to run for this position.

Treasurer (1 person):

Responsible for collecting club dues and keeping track of the club finances. Any active member is allowed to run for this position.

Vice-President Social (1-2 people):

Responsible for organizing social events for the club. Any active member is allowed to run for this position.

Vice-President Culture (1-2 people):

Responsible organizing cultural events for the club. Any active member is allowed to run for this position.

Vice-President Philanthropy (1 person):

Responsible for donating money to charity. Any active member is allowed to run for this position.

Secretary (1 person):

Responsible for communicating between the board and active members. Any active member is allowed to run for this position.

Webmaster (1 person):

Responsible for updating the website and the listserv. Any active member is allowed to run for this position.

Officers are required to attend every Polish Club event, unless there is a valid excuse.Each member will notify the secretary of the amount of hours that he/she completed for the club. Each officer has a two week grace period after completing the duty to record the hours. The secretary will keep track of all the hours that the officers completed. This will serve as a guide to show how much each officer contributes to the club.

Section 2: Elections

Elections are to be held at the end each academic year for the upcoming year.Only active members are allowed to vote in the elections. A person has to be on campus for a whole academic year during their term. If, for any reason, an elected officer cannot complete his or her term, the officers are responsible for appointing a new person in that position.

Section 3: Removal of an Officer

Any officer who does not comply with the duties assigned to him or her may be dismissed by a vote of the remaining board members, excluding one.

Article VI. Meetings

General club meetings will be held at the discretion of the officers. Board meeting will be held periodically, especially before any major events in order for all of the officers to help to plan the event.

Article VII. Amendments

Any club members can propose an amendment. The proposed amendment can only be adopted by at least a three fourths vote of the Executive Board.

Article VIII. Ratification

The ratification of this constitution requires the vote of all officers.